Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The SS Miss Blacky...lalalala

Why there are some people that they don't understand that people are FISH annoyed with them?? They tend to talk crap..laugh crap...deym...!

Can't you just get a life or something...??? The best part is they totally like to say something that came from their ace but not from their brain...erghh!

Come on la Miss Blacky!..get a life..upgrade your brain not your ace! duh...!!


What is the meaning of  a VAMPIRE?? sleep in the day be awake at night?? craving for blood?? can stand in the sunlight??
Oh gawsh..i think i'm having the symptoms except for the blood part...I'm only craving for foods. For the past few weeks i've been staying up at night. i missed many things in the day time. I just don't know how to fix my sleeping time anymore!

When people are all asleep i'll go out and wondering here and there. As if i'm searching for a victim. I'm totally lost with what's going on out there. Even I have not SHOPPING for a long time! deym! me??not shopping?? i feel like wanna throw up when i think about it! Ergh..i need to fix myself..! does anyone have the antidote for me??  Please2 help me... I really2 miss to wake up early and go out SHOPPING...=(

Friday, January 21, 2011

Evaluate a WEBSITE..??? am i gonna evaluate a website??I totally sucks in technology thingy and now i have to evaluate them..ergh...seriously I'm dead....

Introduction to CALL

CALL..??don't be mistaken it with the telephone CALL. CALL is actually a new subject for me. I also have no idea what it is for the first time i heard about it. But what is the use of GOOGLE right? So here is the definition of this subject:

Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is succinctly defined in a seminal work by Levy (1997: p. 1) as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning".[1] CALL embraces a wide range of ICT applications and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages, from the “traditional” drill-and-practice programs that characterised CALL in the 1960s and 1970s to more recent manifestations of CALL, e.g. as used in a virtual learning environment and Web-based distance learning. It also extends to the use of corpora and concordancers, interactive whiteboards,[2] Computer-mediated communication (CMC),[3] language learning in virtual worlds and Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL).[4]
The term CALI (Computer-assisted language instruction) was in use before CALL, reflecting its origins as a subset of the general term CAI (Computer-assisted instruction). CALI fell out of favour among language teachers, however, as it appeared to imply a teacher-centred approach (instructional), whereas language teachers are more inclined to prefer a student-centred approach, focusing on learning rather than instruction. CALL began to replace CALI in the early 1980s (Davies & Higgins 1982: p. 3)[5] and it is now incorporated into the names of the growing number of professional CALL associations worldwide.
An alternative term, Technology-enhanced language learning (TELL),[6] also emerged around the early 1990s: e.g. the TELL Consortium project, University of Hull.
The current philosophy of CALL puts a strong emphasis on student-centred materials that allow learners to work on their own. Such materials may be structured or unstructured, but they normally embody two important features: bidirectional (interactive) learning and individualised learning. CALL is essentially a tool that helps teachers to facilitate the language learning process. It can be used to reinforce what has been already been learned in the classroom or as a remedial tool to help learners who require additional support.
The design of CALL materials generally takes into consideration principles of language pedagogy and methodology, which may be derived from different learning theories (behaviourist, cognitive, and constructivist) and second language learning theories such as Stephen Krashen's monitor hypothesis.
Now do you know the meaning of CALL?hehe...complicated huh? You will get to know lots more of this subject in my next entry. Enjoy learning okay you guys....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

have no idea

I totally have no idea how to do this and that..but it's a good Start i guESs..:)